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 Why Arts Integration?


Because every one has an art form that he/she is most comfortable, arts integration provides an opportunity for academic success.


According to Susan Riley’s “Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core” (2012),  “An arts integration approach is naturally engaging to students and to teachers. Almost everyone has one art form (visual art, music, dance or drama) with which they connect and use to make sense of the world” (para 7).


Contact Carlo to provide an arts integration workshop or training.

What does Arts Integration look like?


Visual Arts-Drawing Concepts

Visual Arts-Drawing Concepts

Visual Arts-Mask-Making

Visual Arts-Mask-Making



Drama: Character Monologue

Drama: Character Monologue

Drama: Fairy Tale Skits

Drama: Fairy Tale Skits

Visual Arts: Characterization

Visual Arts: Characterization

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